Data and Analytics Software

Microsoft Power BI Data Analytics

Create, share, and discuss reports collaboratively. Leverage Power BI's reporting capabilities to enhance data-driven decision-making and foster a collaborative reporting environment.

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Microsoft Power BI Data Analytics Module

The Microsoft Power BI data analytics module is specifically geared towards teaching students how to use Microsoft Power BI software for data analytics. Power BI is a popular business intelligence tool crafted by Microsoft, dedicated to data visualization. Its primary function is to enable users to make secure connections with various data streams, mold and rectify the data, and subsequently create engaging visualizations and reports.

Salient Features and Capabilities of Power BI

This module delves deep into all the functionalities that Power BI provides for data analytics. The focus is on understanding and teaching crucial topics like data modeling, data transformation, making visualizations, and generating powerful reports.

Connecting to Data Sources

Participants will understand the process of harnessing Power BI to connect to different data sources successfully.

User of Power Query

Power Query, a powerful tool in Excel and the Power BI Desktop application, enables users to discover, connect, combine, and refine data across a wide variety of sources. Students will learn to use Power Query and its advanced functionalities for data cleansing and transformation.

Creation of Interactive Dashboards and Reports

The students will learn to make the best use of Power BI Desktop, a visual data exploration tool, to create highly interactive dashboards and reports that provide actionable business insights.

Advanced Power BI Topics

Deployment of DAX Formulas

Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) is a formula expression language used in Power BI. It enables users to define custom calculations in calculated columns and measures. The module covers the implementation of this advanced feature, aiding students in better comprehension of their data.

Implementation of Row-level Security

Row-level security (RLS) limits data access at the row level based on filters that you define in Power BI Desktop. The module gives detailed insights into how to incorporate RLS, ensuring the access to the data is permitted only to those who are authorized.

Usage of Power BI Service

The ubiquitous Power BI service aids in publishing and sharing reports. The module will teach students how to leverage Power BI service for widespread distribution of their reports.

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